I have been seeing my current doctor for about two years now. I like my doctor and her nurse practitioner. They both are very pleasant, listen to my concerns and spend ample time with me. I’m just not in love with them. I think I can do better- there is something about our relationship that is off, and it’s time for me to move on and find Dr. Right!
If you find yourself in any of the following situations, consider dumping your doctor for someone better.
Does your doctor spend enough time with you during your appointments or do you feel like you are being rushed through an assembly line? Doctors today are busier than ever with patients booked back to back. However, you should still feel like top priority when you have your appointment with your doctor. If your doctor is rushing in and out of the exam room without addressing your concerns, it might be time to move on to someone else.
Does your doctor address your list of health concerns or brush them aside like they are no big deal? If your doctor isn’t acting in your best interest, it’s time to move on.
How easy is it to see your doctor? Do you have to wait months for an appointment or can you get in the same day or within the same week if you are feeling ill? Does your doctor call you back same day when you leave a message or are you waiting days for a return call? While everyone wants the best doctor, sometimes the best doctor isn’t available when you need them. Depending on the severity of your health concerns, you might want to start dating around and see if you can find a good back-up doctor while waiting to be seen by your usual one. And who knows, while you are dating new doctors, you might find one you like more.
While it is important to have a doctor that understands your medical history, if you have been going to the same doctor for several years and your ailments are still undiagnosed, it’s time to move on. Ask for a copy of your medical records, and start interviewing new doctors that can see you.
Sometimes you have to say goodbye to your doctor because the office isn’t functioning like it should. Do you constantly find billing errors that you have to spend hours trying to correct? Does the office staff refill prescriptions or do you have to keep following up with them to get the paperwork sent in? Does someone follow-up with you when your lab work is completed? If it is difficult to work with the office staff at the doctor’s office, it could be a sign to move on. Let the doctor know first about your issues (maybe it can be easily fixed), but if time has passed and still no improvements, it’s time to move on.
It’s hard to break up with someone, but if your doctor isn’t providing the level of care you need, it is time to move on. If you’re not sure how to find a new doctor, read this helpful article to get started.
Searching for a new insurance plan to find Dr. Right? Take Command Health can help! We make it easy to find a plan that suits your needs and we even have a really cool doctor search tool to help you find the right doctor for you!