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Stop trying to call someone to enroll in a health plan

Written by Jack | Dec 12, 2016 5:59:22 AM

There's a 90% chance the person you talk to won't be working at that company next month

It's Open Enrollment for health insurance, which means millions of Americans will be looking for a health insurance plan. In order to meet the demand,, the insurance companies, and insurance brokers will staff-up their call centers with seasonal and part-time workers.

While most of the people answering your calls mean well, they really don’t know how to help you if your question doesn't fit their script. They likely got their insurance license the month before (paid for by the company), went through a week or two of sales training (some with a strong focus on "up-selling you"), and know that their contract is only temporary during Open Enrollment.

We spoke with an industry insider at a large brokerage firm and confirmed: 90% of the people you talk to this month won't be there next month. As nice or well trained as that person may be, do you really want to trust them when helping you choose and enroll in a health plan?

There's a much better way to buy health insurance

At Take Command Health, we have a lot of people that come to us each year and are shocked at how quick and responsive our team is. There's no waiting on hold, endless transfers to different departments, or uncertainty about your status. Just clear, helpful answers from true experts.

Unlike other companies who spend a few weeks getting ready for Open Enrollment, we spend all year getting ready. We do it a little differently too: rather than train up a temporary telephone sales force, we focus on technology and data.

We begin by building a database of all of the plans in your area...Not just the public marketplace plans you'll find on, but also the private "off exchange" plans that often have larger doctor networks and better coverage. We've even built faith-based Medi-Share plans into our database. Many phone agents only represent one type of plan ( or one company's plans in particular (an insurance company). When you visit, you're seeing a much wider set of options.

Next, we analyze each plan's doctor network and list of accepted prescriptions (called a drug formulary). We built the industry's first universal doctor search. Just type in your doctor's name and we'll tell you which plans he or she participates on. Take a prescription drug? We automatically search each plan's drug list (called a formulary) so you'll know exactly what you'll pay next time you pick it up.

We then use millions of actual medical records so that you can simulate your known medical needs or conditions. We account for the fine print and nuances in copays, coinsurance rates, and deductibles and do all the complicated number crunching for you. Are you having a baby? Do you have diabetes or asthma? We'll simulate these as well as over 100 common conditions and scenarios for you. I doubt even the best of the best call center workers could do that for you.

Finally, we put it all together to recommend the plan we believe will minimize your total healthcare expenses for the year. Many other websites or brokers will give you a long lists of plans. Is that really helpful? Aren't they supposed to be helping you? How do you know if you're choosing a good deal for you or a good deal for them?

We start by giving you a recommendation. You can "view all plans" on our site too and we'll rank them according to the criteria that's important to you. When you're ready to enroll, fill out our short online application, and we'll take it from there. We'll automatically route your application to the best place, whether that's or directly to the insurance company. We'll keep you up to date all along the way too so you can rest easy and feel good about your choice.

Our goal at Take Command Health is to put you in charge of your health plan. We don't rely on call center or seasonal workers to help us sell plans.

While most are able to get great advice and enroll going through our website on their own, we're also eager to provide great support and answer your questions. You can email us anytime at, browse our help center, message us on Facebook, Tweet us @TakeCmdHealth, or chat with one of our fully licensed, full-time partners directly on our website.

And anyone you talk to will still be here next month to continue helping you. We'd love for you to give us a try! Oh, and our service is free!

To discover how we are simplifying the health insurance process, click the button below to get started: