Information about QSEHRA & ICHRA

HRAs: The Future of Employee Benefits Programs

Written by Susanne | Sep 22, 2023 9:31:53 PM

Imagine a world where your health benefits are personalized to your needs, empowering you to manage your health and wellness on your own terms. This is not a distant dream, but a present reality shaped by the evolution of Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). Step into this new era of employee benefits with us, where flexibility, personalization, and cost-effectiveness form the foundation of a healthier, happier workforce. Let’s discover why HRAs are the future of employee benefits programs. 

The Evolution of Employee Benefits and the Rise of HRAs

The landscape of employee benefits has evolved significantly over the years, driven by changes in workforce demographics, economic fluctuations, and advances in technology. In the early 20th century, employee benefits were fairly basic and typically included only pension plans and some form of health insurance. Over time, as the labor market became more competitive and employees' needs and expectations changed, employers started offering a broader range of benefits, including paid time off, retirement plans, life insurance, and various other perks.

In recent years, health benefits have become a particularly important component of the overall employee benefits package. As healthcare costs have risen dramatically, employers have sought ways to provide comprehensive health benefits while managing costs. This has led to the emergence of various types of health benefit plans, including Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs).

A Closer Look At HRAs

An HRA is a type of employer-funded account that reimburses employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. HRAs are funded solely by the employer, and the contributions are not included in the employee's taxable income. Unlike Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), HRAs are not employee-funded accounts, and the funds do not belong to the employee. Instead, the employer sets aside a specific amount of money for each employee's HRA each year, and employees can submit claims for reimbursement up to that amount.

HRAs offer a great deal of flexibility for both employers and employees. Employers can determine the amount of contributions, the eligible expenses, and other plan details. Employees can use the funds for a wide range of medical expenses, including health insurance premiums, deductibles, copayments, and other out-of-pocket costs. Additionally, HRAs can be designed to work with any type of health insurance plan, making them a flexible option for employers and employees alike.

As the needs and expectations of employees have changed over time, so too have employee benefits programs. Health benefits, in particular, have become a critical component of the overall benefits package, and HRAs offer a flexible, cost-effective solution for employers seeking to provide comprehensive health benefits while managing costs.

A Glimpse Back in Time: Charting the Evolution of Employee Health Benefits

As we embark on this journey through the history of employee benefits, let's take a moment to appreciate the vast strides that have been made. From the early days of employer-sponsored health insurance during World War II to the advent of innovative solutions like HRAs, the landscape of employee health benefits has undergone a remarkable transformation. This overview provides a snapshot of key milestones that have shaped the evolution of employee health benefits into what it is today.

  • Pre-World War II Era: Prior to World War II, few employers offered health insurance as a benefit. Health care costs were relatively low, and most people could afford to pay for medical services out of pocket. However, some larger companies and labor unions did offer various forms of sickness and accident insurance to their employees or members.
  • World War II Era: During World War II, the U.S. government imposed wage freezes to prevent inflation. However, the War Labor Board declared that the wage freeze did not apply to fringe benefits like health insurance. As a result, many employers began offering health insurance as a way to attract and retain employees during a time of labor shortage.
  • Post-World War II Era: After World War II, the practice of offering health insurance as a benefit continued to grow. Labor unions also played a significant role in negotiating health insurance benefits for their members. The tax code was also amended to exclude employer contributions to employee health insurance from taxable income, which provided a tax incentive for employers to offer health insurance as a benefit.
  • 1960s and 1970s: The advent of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s increased the demand for health insurance, and by the 1970s, the majority of Americans had health insurance coverage, either through their employer or a government program.
  • 1980s and 1990s: During this period, healthcare costs began to rise dramatically, and employers started looking for ways to control costs. Managed care plans, like HMOs and PPOs, became popular as they offered a way to control costs while still providing comprehensive coverage.

Since then, employer-sponsored health insurance has become a standard part of employee benefits packages in the United States, although the structure and coverage of the plans have evolved over time. However, the rising costs of healthcare and changes in the labor market have led employers to explore alternative options like HRAs to provide health benefits to their employees in a more flexible and cost-effective way.

The Importance of Employee Benefits Programs

Building on this historical context, it's crucial to recognize the ongoing significance of employee benefits programs in the modern workplace. These programs are pivotal in shaping the overall job satisfaction and retention of employees. A comprehensive and competitive benefits package not only attracts top talent but also ensures that employees feel valued and supported. This nurturing environment can lead to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a workforce that is positively engaged and committed.

How Benefits Affect Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Benefits are often just as important as salary when it comes to job satisfaction. In fact, a survey by Glassdoor found that 57% of respondents reported benefits and perks as one of their top considerations before accepting a job. Another study by MetLife found that 72% of employees said having the ability to customize their benefits would increase their loyalty to their employer.

Offering a comprehensive benefits package can help employees manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance, ultimately leading to increased job satisfaction and retention. When employees feel that their employer cares about their well-being, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long term.

The Role of Health Benefits In The Overall Employee Benefits Package

Health benefits are a critical component of the overall employee benefits package. A survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that health care was the most important benefit to employees, with 56% of respondents ranking it as the most important benefit.

Health benefits not only help employees manage their physical and mental well-being, but they can also have a significant impact on financial well-being. With the rising cost of healthcare, having comprehensive health coverage can provide financial security and peace of mind for employees and their families.

Additionally, offering health benefits can also benefit employers by reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity. Healthy employees are less likely to miss work and more likely to be productive and engaged while at work.

Employee benefits programs, and health benefits in particular, play a crucial role in employee satisfaction and retention. Offering a comprehensive and competitive benefits package can help attract and retain top talent, increase productivity, and create a more positive and engaged workforce.

Current Challenges with Traditional Health Benefits

The traditional model of employer-sponsored health benefits faces several challenges in today's landscape, which have led many employers to explore alternative options like HRAs. Here are some of the key challenges associated with traditional health benefits:

Historical Context of Rising Healthcare Costs

Over the past few decades, healthcare costs have experienced a consistent upward trajectory. Based on the 2022 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual premium for employer-sponsored health insurance rose by 4% for single coverage and 3% for family coverage compared to the previous year. This escalating cost is a dual burden, affecting both employers and employees who frequently have to allocate a portion of their salary towards health insurance premiums. 

In the early days of employer-sponsored health benefits, healthcare costs were relatively manageable. However, advancements in medical technology, an aging population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases have contributed to the dramatic rise in costs over the years. This trend has made it increasingly challenging for both employers and employees to afford comprehensive health insurance coverage, thereby necessitating the exploration of more cost-effective and flexible health benefits solutions.

The one-size-fits-all approach

When health benefits were first incorporated into company benefits packages, the one-size-fits-all approach was commonly used. Although this approach was administratively simpler and more cost-effective for employers, it often resulted in some employees being over-insured and others under-insured, neglecting individual needs and hindering effective health and wellness management. 

Initially, the approach's popularity was driven by the ease of managing a single plan and the limited options available for health insurance coverage, making it a more practical solution at the time. However, as healthcare options and the understanding of individual healthcare needs have evolved, so too has the need for more personalized and flexible health benefits plans.

Administrative Complexity in Modern Times

The administration of traditional health benefits has become increasingly complex and time-consuming for employers. Tasks include selecting a health insurance plan, managing employee enrollments, handling claims, and ensuring compliance with various laws and regulations. This administrative burden is especially daunting for small and medium-sized businesses, which may lack the resources or expertise to manage these tasks efficiently.

Traditional health benefits are associated with several challenges, including rising healthcare costs, a one-size-fits-all approach, and administrative complexity.

These challenges have prompted many employers to consider alternative options like HRAs, which offer a more flexible, cost-effective, and streamlined approach to providing health benefits to employees.

Navigating the Next Wave: Why HRAs Are Essential for Modern Employee Benefits Programs

Considering the challenges associated with traditional health benefits, HRAs emerge as a beacon of hope for employers. They not only address the past shortcomings but also present a host of compelling advantages that make them an increasingly attractive option for a wide range of employers. Below are some of the key advantages of HRAs that position them as a game-changer in the realm of employee benefits:

Flexibility for Both Employers and Employees

HRAs offer a high degree of flexibility for both employers and employees. Employers can customize the HRA to fit their budget and the needs of their employees. They can determine the amount of contributions, the eligible expenses, and other plan details. Employees, on the other hand, can use the funds for a wide range of medical expenses, including health insurance premiums, deductibles, copayments, and other out-of-pocket costs. This flexibility allows employers to offer a benefit that is tailored to the needs of their workforce while giving employees the freedom to manage their health and wellness in a way that works best for them.

Cost Control for Employers

HRAs provide a way for employers to control their healthcare costs. Employers can set a fixed amount of money for each employee's HRA each year, which helps to budget and manage healthcare expenses more effectively. Additionally, any unused funds in the HRA at the end of the year can be rolled over to the next year or returned to the employer, depending on the plan design. This helps to reduce waste and ensure that funds are used efficiently.

Tax Advantages

HRAs offer tax advantages for both employers and employees. Contributions made by the employer to the HRA are tax-deductible for the employer and are not included in the employee's taxable income. Additionally, reimbursements from the HRA for eligible medical expenses are tax-free for the employee, leading to significant tax savings for both parties.

Ease of Administration

HRAs are relatively easy to administer compared to traditional health benefits. Employers do not have to manage a group health insurance plan, and there are no premiums to pay to an insurance company. Instead, employers simply contribute funds to the employee's HRA, and the employee can submit claims for reimbursement of eligible expenses. Many HRA administrators offer online platforms that streamline the administration process, making it easier for employers and employees to manage the HRA.


Benefits for Different Stakeholders

  • Employees gain more choice and control over their health expenses, leading to more prudent spending and better health and financial outcomes.
  • Employers can better manage costs and attract and retain top talent by offering a comprehensive and flexible health benefits package.
  • HRAs offer a multitude of benefits compared to traditional health benefits, encompassing enhanced flexibility, effective cost control, tax benefits, and simplified administration.

These merits render HRAs a favorable alternative for employers aiming to offer extensive health benefits while concurrently managing expenses and administrative intricacy.


Overview of Different Types of HRAs and Their Features

Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) are employer-funded accounts that reimburse employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. It’s important to note that there are different types of HRAs, each designed to suit specific needs and situations of both employers and employees. Here is an overview of the different types of HRAs and their features:

Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA)

ICHRA allows employers to reimburse employees for individual health insurance premiums and other medical expenses. Employers can offer different allowance amounts to different employee classes and can be offered with or without a group health plan. 


  • Flexibility: Employers can vary the allowance amount based on different employee classes.
  • Broad Eligibility: Can be offered to all employees or specific classes of employees.
  • No Contribution Limits: There are no minimum or maximum contribution limits set by the IRS.

Qualified Small Employer HRA (QSEHRA)

QSEHRA is designed for small employers with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees who do not offer a group health plan. It allows employers to reimburse employees for individual health insurance premiums and other medical expenses.


  • Contribution Limits: There are annual contribution limits set by the IRS.
  • Broad Eligibility: Available to all employees, although employers can exclude certain groups, such as part-time or seasonal employees.
  • Simplicity: Easy to set up and manage, making it suitable for small businesses.

The Future of Employee Health Benefits 

In a world where healthcare costs are on the rise and the workforce is becoming increasingly diverse, HRAs are quickly becoming the go-to solution for employee benefits. Offering a high degree of customization for employers and a range of choices for employees, HRAs are tailor-made to address the unique needs of each workforce. Employers can better manage their healthcare expenses by setting fixed contributions for each employee while still offering a comprehensive benefits package.

HRAs bring significant tax savings for both employers and employees as employer contributions are tax-deductible and reimbursements for eligible expenses are tax-free for employees; additionally, the streamlined administration of HRAs reduces the burden on employers managing complex group health insurance plans.

Looking ahead, employee benefits programs are expected to evolve in several key ways.

Personalization will become increasingly important as employers seek to address the individual needs and preferences of their employees. Technological integration will play a crucial role in the administration and management of employee benefits, making it easier for both employers and employees to manage their benefits and make informed decisions. And there will be a growing focus on the overall well-being of employees, encompassing not only physical health but also mental and financial well-being.

Navigating the Future with Take Command

For business owners, the world of employee benefits can often feel overwhelming. This is where Take Command emerges as an indispensable ally, equipped with a wealth of knowledge on HRAs and a robust platform that demystifies HRA administration. Take Command is dedicated to empowering employers to master their employee benefits, paving the way for a more satisfied and healthier workforce. 

The HRA platform is designed with user-friendly tools that streamline every facet of HRAs, from inception to managing contributions and reimbursements. Additionally, Take Command provides invaluable guidance and support, assisting employers in crafting a plan that aligns with their needs, budget, and ensures adherence to all relevant laws and regulations.

As the employee benefits landscape continually evolves, the demand for solutions that encapsulate flexibility, cost-efficiency, tax advantages, and a holistic approach to well-being will escalate. 

Armed with the expertise and all-encompassing platform of Take Command, employers can traverse the future of employee benefits with confidence. This ensures the provision of a comprehensive and adaptable benefits package that not only attracts and retains the cream of the crop but also judiciously manages costs and administrative intricacies.

It's time to redefine your approach to employee health benefits. Contact Take Command today to embark on a journey towards a happier, healthier workforce and a more sustainable future for your business.